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Signs That You May Need An Emergency Heating Oil Delivery

Running out of heating oil may be something that you haven't experienced before. This type of situation can occur if you use your heater for prolonged durations or if you usually have small loads of oil delivered and have been more reliant upon the fuel than you normally are. Review the following tips to determine if you are in need of an emergency delivery.

Little Or No Heat Output And Low Readings

One sign that your oil tank has run out of fuel or is about to become empty is if your heating equipment puts out very little heat or no heat. You may notice that the compressor is still humming in the manner it normally does and that the vent openings within your home are expelling air outward.

The difference that you may experience, however, is that the air feels only slightly warmish or cool. Heading outdoors and checking the reading on your tank may further support your suspicions that you are in need of oil. If the tank has a gauge on the side of it, the pointer may indicate that the fuel source is low.

If a gauge is not present, you can use a dipstick to take a measurement of the oil within the tank. Locate the intake valve. It will be along the side of the tank and will contain a cover that can be removed by twisting it in a counter-clockwise fashion. Dip a thin, long stick into the intake valve. If the reading is low, contact a representative of the heating oil company that serves you.

Frequent Resets And A Strange Scent

Some heating units contain a reset feature that will trigger a heater to turn off if it is not receiving enough of a fuel source to operate. Sludge could be blocking the entry tube that heating oil needs to run through. If you notice that your heater keeps resetting, turn it off immediately. This will prevent excessive wear to mechanical parts.

A strange scent could also be associated with running low on fuel. A spray nozzle that is clogged with sludge will not burn the fuel in the same manner that it would if the oil was in liquid form. Contact a local heating oil supplier and schedule an emergency delivery. Before using the heating equipment, you may need to have the nozzle inspected, to ensure that a blockage is not present that will prevent fuel from flowing through the equipment.
